The coronavirus pandemic is generating thousands of opportunities for women to showcase their strengths and step into leadership positions.

The economies disrupted by COVID-19 will eventually need to be realigned. Businesses around the world will be redefining their operational models and reassessing their business strategies. European Central Bank President, Christine Lagarde, argues that the male tendency to shy away from crisis is now a prime chance for women to shine. According to Lagarde, now is exactly when industries of all kinds are seeking leaders who are eager and capable of tackling unchartered challenges. We know that women lead differently and that is precisely what everyone is looking for right now: new paradigms for productivity, dynamic designs for development, and revolutionary ideas for resilience.
After years of making less money than men, women have become adept at budgeting and financial efficiency. Similarly, women have traditionally contended with a myriad of hurdles—in and out of the workplace—making them agile problem solvers and expert multi-taskers. As companies of all sizes look to restore their pre-corona activity, women leadership will inspire employees, drive sales, motivate managers, build budgets, and cultivate innovation.
Working women have always been scrutinized and held to higher standards. The flip side of this unfortunate bias is the honing of skills and practices that reduce mistakes or mishaps. Women are hyper conscious of being called out in the workplace and therefore pay much more attention to detail.

Similarly, women are known to be “big picture” thinkers; they care about the greater good and prioritize the people side of things over the financial bottom line. As employees continue to worry about job stability and their personal finances, female leadership will be vital to maintaining their motivation and ensuring their productivity. Returning to work, whether in the office or virtually, after the prolonged trauma of corona will necessitate empathy, structure, agility, and respect—all characteristics seen more prominently in women executives than men.
Now is the time for experienced women to show their skills, speak up in the board room, and fill the leadership void.
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