Investing and Global Finance News

Monthly Archives: April 2012

U.S. Stocks Fall as China’s Economy Slows

 An unanticipated slowing of China’s economy resulted in one of the worst weeks for U.S. stocks this year. The top indexes all recorded losses, and Jim Sloan of Jim Sloan & Associates mentioned the link between the market and China’s news. Alan Skrainka of Cornerstone Wealth Management agreed, stating: “Everybody’s worried, and everybody’s unsure if… Continue Reading

Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 Billion

With only a few months to go before Mark Zuckerberg takes Facebook into the world of publicly owned companies, the world’s largest social networking on-line tool has purchased Instagram for $1 billion. Promising that this type of purchase was not going to happen too often, Zuckerberg said that the acquisition of Instagram was “an important… Continue Reading

Top 8 Home-Based Businesses

Home-based businesses have grown more popular ever since employment opportunities began flailing and work conditions reached sub-optimal levels. Though there are countless ways to earn money at home, the top eight most successful areas to get involved in are: Child care: The struggling economy and financial pressures have given this service a major boost. Parents… Continue Reading

U.S. Economy on the Rise

Feelings may be mixed but many believe the U.S. economy is finally scaling the cliff after its plunge several years ago. Meanwhile, recession still looms in Europe and China’s economy is beginning to slow. According to the Bloomberg Comfort index, U.S. consumer confidence has reached a four-year high as the job market improves, stock prices… Continue Reading

EU Economic Outlook: Trevor Williams

Though the loose ends of the debt crisis and economic turmoil throughout Europe have yet to be tied up, some experts believe that the negative take on the situation is the leading cause of slow growth. “This month’s acceleration in confidence about U.K. economic prospects supports our view that concern about the euro-zone debt crisis… Continue Reading

Chris Matthews on the Economy and Upcoming Elections

Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball recently discussed the upcoming elections, Mitt Romney's organizational skills and the challenge he creates for the Obama Administration, and the economic issues still plaguing  the United States. Matthews described the election as "a very close, hot, race for the American presidency." Meanwhile, the economy is not 'steaming ahead,' unfortunately. The… Continue Reading