Investing and Global Finance News

Top 8 Home-Based Businesses

Home-based businesses have grown more popular ever since employment opportunities began flailing and work conditions reached sub-optimal levels. Though there are countless ways to earn money at home, the top eight most successful areas to get involved in are:

  • Child care: The struggling economy and financial pressures have given this service a major boost. Parents and families add hours to their work week and stay late at the office, creating high demand for babysitters and afternoon daycares for their children once school’s out.
  • Gardening: Many people desire a beautiful, well-kept lawn, but lack the time, financial resources or motivation to work on their garden’s upkeep. Locals who enjoy the outdoors and have a bit of spare time can earn a significant amount just by weeding or mowing grass. The business can be taken to another level by renting or selling gardening products, offering home-grown vegetables or flowers, etc.
  • Photography: This business really opens hundreds of doors, including family events, parties, modeling, passport photos, media and newspapers and so much more.
  • Sewing/Altering: Everyone needs a trusty seamstress nearby, and with the right prices and advertising this business can thrive with the help of neighborhood customers.
  • Cosmetics: Creating a small (but clean) salon at home is also a great way to earn some money with flexible hours. Manicures, pedicures, hair treatments and waxing are services that people seek in every community.
  • Baking: This can also turn into a great business if you’ve got a knack for cookies, muffins or cupcakes. Creating beautiful trays for local events is a wonderful way to get started, and with advertising and competitive prices people will look to hire out your service immediately.
  • Antique Trading: This business is financially rewarding, and probably will continue to be that way for many years. Furnishings, jewelry, odds and ends…. Open up shop in your garage or find a spare room at home and just get started!
  • Computer Repairs: If you have background in computers, you might want to consider privately offering your services in your community. Computer glitches are common and with today’s generation relying heavily on technology, your convenient and personalized service will be a major success.


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