Investing and Global Finance News

Corporate Solar Acquisition

In the last few years, an increasing trend has been the appropriation of corporate solar products. One cannot help but be impressed with Google’s beating its 100 percent renewable energy target and the fact that it currently has “contracts to purchase 3 gigawatts of output from renewable energy projects, which is by far the most renewable energy purchased by a corporate entity to date.”

This trend is extending beyond the large corporations (which also includes Microsoft).  Corporate sustainability strategies are being developed in smaller firms like Taylor Farms and Kingspan and since 2012 there has been over 1 gigawatt of DG solar installations occurring each year.

Experts have however, indicated that this year there will be a slump in corporate solar acquisition with a readjustment of the market. Also the last two years have been very expansive in this area due to the coming end of the federal Investment Tax Credit and the fear that went along wit that.   As well solar tariffs have been putting large corporations off somewhat.  But still, news until now is extremely positive and optimistic for the future even if that future takes a break.

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