Investing and Global Finance News

Oil, The Iranian Economic Weapon

West fears that Iran will use oil as a weapon to undermine western economies. America and the west are placing financial sanctions on Iran hoping to stop it from developing nuclear weapons. The sanctions have made it very hard to make payments to and from that Iran. The country has not stopped or slowed down its nuclear programs. IN the meantime the price of food has more than doubled. While the sanctions do not prohibit selling food to Iran, they make it almost impossible for the Iranians to transfer payments for the food.

America had tried to hurt Iran by requesting from Japan and South Korea to cease oil purchases from Iran. These countries rely on Iranian oil and would find it very difficult to locate other sources of oil. America’s prestige was hurt by this and also its efforts to try to bring the Iranian nuclear program to its knees.

In the background, Israel is aware that it will probably be the first to be attacked when Iran gets nuclear capability. Islam perceives Israel as the harbinger of western culture, bringing in all of the western values of individual freedom which leads to heathenism and hedonism as defined by the Koran. Israel threatens to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Should this happen, the west fears that Iran will cut oil supplies to the west which could cripple the western oil dependent economies.  Alternatively, if Israel does not stop Iran, then the entire Western world will be under the threat of nuclear attacks. Either way Iran may use the oil weapon and well…

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