Investing and Global Finance News

Increasing Energy Investments

Quinte Consolidated Courthouse Brookfield
Quinte Bay

As prices around the world are rising for basic services, commodities like energy services seem to be a good bet.  Lots of smaller oil companies based in North America have fared well, yet lots of investors want an approach that is more encompassing. Brookfield Infrastructure (BIP) actually invests in more than just oil and has made sure diversify its projects. Managed by Samuel Pollock, the company owns and operates  utility, energy, timber, and transportation companies in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. Some of these operations and companies include: North American Gas Transmission Operations and our Australian Railroad Operations. The company has investments in the Peterborough Hospital, Surrey Pretrial Services Centre Expansion Project, and the Quinte Consolidated Courthouse in Ontario.

The stock price is currently at 26.47 and has been on an upward climb lately.

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