Clinical trials have been part of medicine since 1747, when Dr. James Lind began researching a treatment for scurvy. This year, 2023, commemorates the first double-blind clinical trial, which took place in the UK in 1943 in an effort to find treatment for the common cold. In this trial, neither the treating doctor not the patient knew if the patient was receiving the medication or a placebo. While the tested medication did not yield effective results at treating a cold, the trial set the stage for future double-blind clinical trials.
The purpose of clinical trials is to ensure the safety and efficacy of new treatments before they are introduced to the market, such as drugs, dietary supplements, and vaccines. Ventavia Research Group (VRG) was founded in 2013, and is a prominent company that conducts clinical trials in the areas of maternal medicine, senior health, pediatrics and healthy patient trials. They are currently running clinical trials for RSV vaccines for seniors, pediatrics, and pregnant women. Ventavia Research Group is the largest privately-owned Texas-based clinical research company, with branches in 9 cities across Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. They have a team comprised of physicians, certified clinical research coordinators and recruitment specialists. The Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce awarded Ventavia Research Group the Small Business of the Year award in 2016, and they are nominated for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Dream Big Awards for Best Women-Owned Business.
As of late March 2022, Ventavia Research Group is conducting RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine trials for seniors, pregnant women, and pediatrics. As RSV is a leading cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in children under 12 months old, as well as posing a risk to adults over 65 or with weakened immune systems, an RSV vaccine would protect the most vulnerable in the population.

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