Investing and Global Finance News

Monthly Archives: June 2011

World Bank News

World Bank Revisions on Economic Growth Two days ago, the forecast for growth for the developing world was revised by the World Bank with a warning that there will be greater pressures on inflation due to the escalation in food and fuel prices. Currently, growth is down from last year’s figures so the advice by… Continue Reading

Economics: Europe Vis-à-vis America

Europe Awaiting Crisis It seems that while America and much of the western world is about ready to really recover from their economic crisis, the situation is quite different for Europe which is still awaiting its own crisis. This might not spell such great news for the region. Indeed, CEO of Principal Global Investors Jim… Continue Reading

America’s Inflation Anxieties

What are the current anxieties that are impacting America right now, vis-à-vis inflation? Apparently, not what one might initially think. Even though gas prices are fast expanding and have now reached nearly $4-a-gallon, it seems that America’s biggest worry is homeownership which is increasing lease prices for its 38 million renters. One way of dealing… Continue Reading