Investing and Global Finance News

Hiring an IT Company

Almost every business today requires an IT team or external IT company. Choosing the right company can be a hassle, but it is extremely important.

Joanna Sobran of MXOtech, Inc. lists ten things to look out for while searching for the right tech support in an article on the Huffington Post:

1. They own all the IT problems.

2. They conduct periodic test restores of your backups.

3. They offer a TRULY all-inclusive support plan.

4. They provide you with a monthly report of your network.

5. They monitor your network 24-7-365.

6. They consistently (and proactively) offer new ways to improve your network’s performance instead of waiting until you have a problem to make recommendations.

7. They avoid “geek-speak.”

8. They have a written, guaranteed response time to your calls.

9. They answer their phone live.

10. They will offer to complete a FREE audit of your network.


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