Investing and Global Finance News

Social Media in Business

Social media is becoming an essential marketing tool for businesses today. However, many business leaders are unfamiliar or unaware of the different tactics and methods used to create and manage effective social media pages on any platform. It is important to consider goals, objectives and metrics when using social media to promote a business, as the usual trial and error approach generally does more harm than good.

Ric Dragon, an online marketing expert, recently discussed some important social media steps for businesses in “Social Marketology“. His tips include:

1. Focus on desired outcomes first.

2. Incorporate brand personality and voice.

3. Identify the smallest segments possible of your constituents.

4. Identify the communities of these micro-segments.

5. Identify the influencers of these communities.

6. Create an action plan with metrics.

7. Iteratively execute and measure results.

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